Right Touch Painting

Residential Painting Services

Upgrade the look of your home with honest pricing & excellent service. We’re available to serve you throughout South Denver

Locally Owned

Unmatched Reputation

Family Operated

Job Done Right. Every Time.

Residential Painting

Are you wanting to smile every time you walk into your home? Are you looking for a contractor you can trust to do quality work, make it a smooth experience, and do it for a great price? We are your guys. With over 20 years of experience we know what it takes to do the job right and we truly care about your home. It’s your sacred space. It’s where you create your most important memories! You want your family and friends to say “wow!” when they walk in the door, and so do we! So let’s make it happen. Give us a call today. 

Everything You Need To Know When Working With Right Touch Painting

What to Expect When You Work With Us

Our Portfolio:

Recent Painting Projects Throughout South Denver

Interior Painting

Certified Color Consultant

Selecting the right colors for your home can make you want to pull your hair out. You can spend hours looking at colors, putting up samples, and STILL end up with a color you are unhappy with. Not anymore. We’ve got you covered. Our professional color consultant will come to your home or virtually help you select the right colors for your project. And the best part? We cover the cost. 

Additional Painting Services Throughout South Denver

Need more painting work done than just the interior walls of your home? 

All Your Painting Projects in One Place

Get everything done at the same time

Highlands Ranch Painter

Quality Residential Painting You Can Trust

Finding a trusted local painter should be an easy process. We’ve worked tremendously hard to develop a reputation throughout South Denver to give you confidence we’re the right painter for you.  Whether you need help with an exterior painting project, an updated coat of paint throughout the interior of your home, or need to freshen up the paint on your kitchen cabinets, we’re the team for you. If you need a quote request on your painting project, Derek or David will offer a hassle free, affordable estimates with timely and professional services.

What Our Customers Are Saying

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How it all began for Right Touch Painting

We truly care about serving people.

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How it all began for Right Touch Painting

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Contact Right Touch Painting

How it all began for Right Touch Painting

We truly care about serving people.

Let’s Talk about Exterior Colors in Colorado

Darker colors fade faster in the Colorado sun than lighter colors so if you want your dark color to last and look great for many years, choose a higher quality, thicker paint like Duration or Emerald.

Let’s Talk about Exterior Colors in Colorado

Darker colors fade faster in the Colorado sun than lighter colors so if you want your dark color to last and look great for many years, choose a higher quality, thicker paint like Duration or Emerald.

Let’s Talk about Sheens

Generally a higher sheen will show less imperfections in texture and will be more washable and durable. The flatter the sheen looks more designer and chic but will fade quicker and be easier to wipe off color. If you really want the designer, matte look in your home but still need it to be durable and washable, we recommend Duration Home matte finish. It is worth the price and will last for many years of wear.